Project: Hilton Seattle Residence
Interior Design: Rocky Rochon
Photography: Ben Benschnieder
Project Description: 2500 sq. ft. Remodel
Project Issues: Redesign of an existing home which was designed in a Tuscan architectural style and reinforcing the authenticity of that style and creating a complete Kitchen remodel, exterior courtyard and roof deck remodel.
Design Concept: Historically Tuscan, warm, romantic, open, functional and comfortable.
Design Solution: Building upon the ‘good’ parts of the previous remodel, we redesigned components of the home that were either improperly scaled, or lacked the ‘richness’ of a typical Tuscan environment. For instance, the interior entry corridor ‘arbor’ was raised by 30” by adding concrete plinths to the columns and creating an appropriate scale to the room. All of the walls throughout the home were skim-coated in tinted Italian stucco and wood trims raked with two tones of glazes to give them patina. The Kitchen was completely demolished and rebuilt, turning two smaller rooms into one larger Kitchen. Again, all elevations were designed to evoke a Tuscan style and all surfaces treated with textures and colors found in that style filled travertine golden counters were used at the perimeter of the room, including the custom built sink of the same material. Hand wrapped leather handles on pantry doors and leather lined drawers in the Kitchen, to handpainted Italian tiles in the courtyard fountain, to canopies of olive trees on the roof deck, all add to the romantic Tuscan quality of the environment.